
School of International Education

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1. 贯彻执行党和国家国际教育的方针、政策和制度。研究制定学校来华留学事业的相关政策和发展规划

Implementing international education principles, policies and institutions formulated by our nation and laying down related rules for international students and its developing plan.

2. 负责外国留学生宣传、招收、管理与服务工作;协调学校相关职能部门和教学单位开展留学生学籍管理、宗教管理、签证管理、日常管理等工作。

Recruiting, managing international students, promoting its affairs and providing campus services. Coordinating other administrative and teaching departments to conduct and manage international students enrollment, religious affairs, visa application and other daily living affairs.

3. 负责开展来华留学生短期交流、预科项目等非学历交流项目工作;

Developing international students short-term exchanges, top-up programs and other non credential programs.

4. 负责留学生对外汉语教学工作,协调做好留学生专业课程衔接事项;

Taking charge of language teaching and coordinating teaching department with conducting program courses for international students.

5. 负责对外汉语教师队伍建设;

Constructing Chinese language teaching teams.

6. 负责制定国际教育项目教学活动、学术活动所需外籍教师、外国专家等外籍人员的聘请计划与方案

Formulating recruitment regulations and formulas for international staffs, including international teachers and experts, to conduct teaching , academic activities and affiliated international education programs.

7. 负责管理来华留学生的奖助学金;

Managing international students scholarship.

8. 负责国际教育项目学生出国前语言培训工作

Providing language training courses for students who want to study abroad.

9. 组织来华留学生进行中国国情教育开展文化体验活动

Conducting education on Chinas national condition and developing Chinese culture experience activities.

10. 完成学校交办的其他工作。

Dealing with other works assigned by school administrative sector.

地址:成都市龙泉驿车城东七路699号 邮编:610100


